
Lu Jiang

Research Scientist (Google) &
Adjunct Professor (CMU)
lujiang [at]
Greetings! I am a staff research scientist and manager at Google, and an adjunct faculty member at Carnegie Mellon University. My CV can be found here. My research aims to solve real problems on big multimodal data, focusing on the interdisciplinary field of Machine Learning and Multimedia, specifically in robust deep learning, generative AI, and multimodal foundation model.
news What's New:
  • Looking for a highly-motivated full-time and student researchers to work on video generation and multimodal foundation model. Check out our recent works and contact me if you are interested.
  • [2024/01] Served as an area chair of CVPR 2024 and ICML 2024.
  • [2024/01] Our MAGVIT-v2, the market's leading video tokenizer and a crucial component in VideoPoet and WALT, was accepted in ICLR 2024.
  • [2023/12] Announcing VideoPoet and Future of Storytelling in this Short Video. VideoPoet represents my primary focus in 2023, from the initial design, then the implementation of versions v0, and up to its current milestone.
  • [2023/11] Introducing W.A.L.T, a diffusion model for photorealistic video generation. Our model is a transformer trained on image and video generation in a shared latent space.
  • [2023/11] StyleDrop is here, a model stylizes text-to-image synthesis by using a few reference images.
  • [2023/03] Check out our research breakthrough on multi-task video generation, MAGVIT, accepted by CVPR 2023 with nearly perfect review scores! Website:
  • [2023/03] Served as an area chair of ICCV 2023 and NeurIPS 2023.